

Coaching Overview: Transformative course designed to help you understand the power of personal impact and how to intentionally create meaningful change in your life. This course guides you through the process of self-discovery, goal-setting enabling you to align your values, passions, and skills creating your desired impact. you will learn how to identify opportunities for impact, overcome obstacles, and create a plan for sustained personal growth. You will have developed a personalized roadmap for living a life of purpose and impact, equipped with the mindset and tools needed to make meaningful and lasting changes.

What’s you will receive:

  • 8 coaching sessions with Tricia one hour in length

  • Journal

  • Follow up session with Tricia month one and two after completion to be scheduled before sessions commence.




Coaching Overview: This course is ideal for you if you are seeking to deepen your understanding of your unique potential and make a significant difference in your personal and/or professional life. If you are truly ready to elevate, this course will take you to the next level. You will focus on unlocking your untapped potential, develop a growth mindset, and master the skills needed to achieve extraordinary results. Whether you're looking to advance in your career, improve your personal life, or achieve greater self-mastery, these personal and customizable sessions will provide the tools, strategies, and mindset shifts necessary to break through your current limitations and reach new heights.

What’s you will receive:

  • 12 coaching sessions with Tricia one hour in length

  • Journal

  • Follow up session with Tricia month one, two and three after completion to be scheduled before sessions commence.




Coaching Overview: Delve into this dynamic course to make a true SHIFT that fosters self-awareness, resilience, and the ripple effect of your individual actions. You will be supported as you make the SHIFT that you may have been seeking that will catapult you to new levels. You can expect to be challenged positively! SHIFT happens when there is awareness and full attention to the changes you are seeking.

What you will receive:

  • 5 sessions with Tricia for one hour

  • Journal

  • Follow up check in one month after sessions are complete to be scheduled before sessions commence.




Coaching Overview: Customized sessions to address your unique challenges and aspirations. Examples of sessions are as follows: feeling stuck, embracing change, the stories in your head, managing guilt, career, accountability, leadership and confidence.

What you will receive:

  • 5 intense coaching sessions with Tricia for 30 minutes.
